
Shawna Bader-Blau, Executive Director

Shawna Bader-Blau leads the Solidarity Center, the largest global worker rights organization based in the United States. Since October 2011, she has served as executive director of an organization of more than 400 staff in Washington, D.C., and 35 field offices, implementing programs in about 60 countries. She has been with the organization for 20 years.

Shawna is an advocate and activist for safe, dignified and family-supporting livelihoods—where workers can exercise their fundamental labor rights and have a voice in shaping work conditions and public policies that impact their lives. [More]

See testimony, speeches and interviews and publications by Shawna Bader-Blau.


Kidane Kinney, Senior Adviser to the Executive Director



Al Davidoff, Organizational and Leadership Development Director

Erika Fagan, Program Quality, Learning and Compliance Director

Sarah McKenzie, Program Strategy and Innovation Director

Quoc Nguyen, Finance Director



Fred Azcarate, Asia Regional Program Director

Hind Cherrouk, Middle East and North Africa Regional Program Director

Kate Conradt, Communications Director

Alexis De Simone, Americas Regional Program Deputy Director

Alberto Fernández, Mexico Senior Adviser

Christopher Johnson, Africa Regional Program Director

Arina C. Lester, Development Global Lead 

Fay Lyle, Cross-Regional Informal Economy Programs and Learning Coordinator

Monika Mehta, Rule of Law Deputy Director

Neha Misra, Migration and Forced Labor Global Lead 

Sonia Mistry, Climate and Labor Justice Director 

Joell Molina, Americas Regional Program Director

Nghia Nguyen, Strategic Research and Campaign Development Director

Robert Pajkovski, Asia Regional Program Deputy Director

Sanjiv Pandita, Asia Senior Adviser

Marggie Peters Muhika, Africa Regional Program Deputy Director

Rudy Porter, Europe and Central Asia Regional Program Director

Alaa Shelbaia, Program Quality, Learning and Compliance Deputy Director

Melysa Sperber, Policy Director

Andrew Tillett-Saks, Organizing Director

Jeff Vogt, Rule of Law Director

Stephen Wishart, Supply Chains Cross-Regional Programs and Learning Coordinator



Allison Aguilar, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives Head

Joe Heckman, Information Technology Director

Michael Lawrence, Controller

Yosef Negasi, Human Resources Assistant Director

Roberts Omolo, International Finance Manager

Catherine Pajic, Organizational Development Deputy Director

Darcy Wertz, Operations Director


2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

In 2023, the Solidarity Center supported workers as they took on exploitative multinational companies and robot algorithms, demanded their governments tackle social ills and deliver on promises, and fought for justice in environments increasingly dangerous to those...

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the News from The Solidarity Center