Board of Trustees


Elizabeth Shuler
President, AFL-CIO

Secretary Treasurer

Fred Redmond
Secretary Treasurer, AFL-CIO


Gabrielle Carteris
President, International Federation of Actors (FIA)

Evelyn DeJesus
Executive Vice President, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO

David McCall 
International President, United Steelworkers (USW)

Terrence L. Melvin
Secretary-Treasurer, New York State AFL-CIO, and President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists

Doug Moore
Executive Director, United Domestic Workers (UDW/AFSCME Local 3930)


The Struggle for Worker Rights in Egypt (2010)

The Struggle for Worker Rights in Egypt (2010)

The situation for workers in Egypt in 2010 sadly bears all too much similarity to that conflict between Egyptian workers and their government so many centuries ago. Today’s Egyptian government maintains an iron grip on power, harshly punishes dissent and plays a...

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind (2009)

Out of Sight, Out of Mind (2009)

This 2009 Solidarity Center study focuses on migrant men who have worked on Thai fishing boats out of the port of Mahachai in Samut Sakhon province, examining recruitment practices, working conditions and payment practices to assess the patterns and prevalence of...

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The True Cost of Shrimp (2008)

The True Cost of Shrimp (2008)

In little more than 30 years, the shrimp industry has been revolutionized through an unprecedented increase in efficient production, resulting in tremendous profitability for producers. But the “shrimp boom” is sustained through a staggering, largely hidden, cost to...

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