SRI LANKA: Migrants Gain Voice and Protections (2013)

SRI LANKA: Migrants Gain Voice and Protections (2013)

The Migrant Services Center, a Solidarity Center partner, is assisting migrant workers and their families in Sri Lanka while championing structural change through legislative and governmental processes, and offers a model for other labor and worker rights organizations.

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The Struggle for Worker Rights in Guatemala (2008)

The Struggle for Worker Rights in Guatemala (2008)

Guatemala’s laws include unreasonable restrictions and requirements on union membership and the right to strike. Women workers are usually paid less than their male counterparts for work of equal value. Indigenous workers and rural workers, with few legal rights, are particular targets of discrimination. Guatemala’s migrant workers—both internal migrants and workers who migrate to work in other countries—suffer some of the worst abuses. Despite these discouraging conditions, Guatemalan workers and their unions are determined to establish justice at the workplace and in their country.

Download here.


Justice for All (2008)

Justice for All (2008)

“Justice for All” examines the effects of global economic integration in the late 20th century on worker rights, including the growth of the informal economy and migration and human labor trafficking, and looks at how government, corporations and unions can help resolve the global crisis in jobs and working conditions.

Download here.



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