More than 200 Filipino app-based delivery riders banded in a unity ride around Cebu province in late April, protesting 150M pesos (approximately $2.6 million) in wage theft.

Riders from Cebu filed a case against the multinational delivery app, Grab, in March, citing reductions in benefits and pay for deliveries due to “double bookings,” when a rider picks up more than one order but is only credited for a single delivery.

“Grab isn’t paying the proper income they rightfully owe us. This is wage theft,” said Naohde Vayson,  National Union of Food Delivery Riders (RIDERS-SENTRO) Cebu president. “We’re fighting for respect and decent jobs.”

RIDERS-SENTRO launched its seventh chapter in the province in April. Nationwide, its members are working to be recognized and negotiate with Grab and other multinational delivery app companies for decent wages and benefits.

Many delivery and ride-hailing companies continue to use “partnership” agreements as a loophole to avoid providing comprehensive social insurance and benefits to its workers.

As one of the largest chapters of RIDERS-SENTRO in the Philippines, Vayson said they aim to grow  membership.  The union’s subchapter for riders delivering for Foodpanda, another multinational delivery platform, is expected to launch later this year.

“We continue to encourage more riders to join our union for a stronger voice against Grab’s unfair practices,” Vayson added.

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