
Working for Peace in North-East Nigeria

Working for Peace in North-East Nigeria

This report analyzes the impact of violence in North-East Nigeria, where teachers, health care professionals and civil servants were the victimized by insurgents targeting symbols of state authority. The report includes recommendations for government and worker organizations as they rebuild after relative peace was restored in the area in 2017 and workers return to their jobs.

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When Workers Become Targets: Nigeria

When Workers Become Targets: Nigeria

“When Workers Become Targets: Nigeria,” is a collection of real-life experiences of workers, particularly women, during the Boko Haram insurgency in Borno State, North-East Nigeria, and how unions whose members suffered the greatest toll played a crucial role in the rehabilitation of people displaced by the insurgency and held government accountable by speaking out against the forced return of workers to unsafe areas.

Download here.

Workers in Post-Civil War Jaffna

Workers in Post-Civil War Jaffna

Although Sri Lanka’s labor code sets the minimum wage, the maximum number of work hours per day and work days per week, and establishes rules around overtime and benefits, many employers in Jaffna, the country’s northern province, are flaunting the statutes. The vast majority of workers are unaware of their rights regarding pay, benefits and a written contract.

Download here.


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