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Media Highlights

Workers Want Meeting with President

According to a report by Ledriz and the Solidarity Center, the failure to pay what workers are legally entitled to is wage theft. It is also a violation of international labor standards, as well as national legislation on the employment of workers said the report, Working Without Pay: Wage Theft in Zimbabwe.

Workers Protest Factory Shutdowns

Roughly 2,000 garment workers protested yesterday outside three factories after the owner abruptly shut down operations and fled​, leaving them without severance or pay for the month of January.​ The Solidarity Center’s William Conklin suggested that factories be required to put down a deposit that can be used to pay severance for workers.

The Bangladesh Sustainability Compact: An Effective Tool for Promoting Workers’ Rights?

The impetus for the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact was the Rana Plaza industrial disaster, which took the lives of roughly 1,200 garment workers. The compact required the fulfillment of several time-bound commitments by the Bangladesh government—labor law reform, protection of the right to freedom of association and ensuring fire and building safety. Jeffrey Vogt argues the compact has not been effective for much of its four years. [READ MORE]

How Garment Workers Used Fashion on the Picket Line

David Welsh, currently country director for the Solidarity Center in Southeast Asia, has worked in both Bangladesh and Cambodia. He says in both countries, “it’s the same brands and the same export markets, primarily the U.S., North America, and the EU,” and “the same 15 to 20 brands monopolize the market and set the conditions worldwide.”


Solidarity Center Director of Asia programs, Timothy Ryan, says that the Bangladesh government and industry’s reaction to the empowerment of garment workers and their unions runs the risk of harming not only Bangladesh garment workers but the very trade deals that make the country’s garment and textile sector its economic engine.

Interview with Rose Omamo from Kenya and Cida Trajano from Brazil [Radio]

Solidarity Center Director of Trade Union Strengthening Sarah McKenzie introduces two women union leaders from Brazil and Kenya visiting the U.S. on a 20-member, all-women Solidarity Center Exchange Program—Omamo, general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metalworkers, and  Trajano dos Santos, president of the Brazil garment workers union, Confederação dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias do Vestuário (CNTV).

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