A magistrate court in Nigeria this week recommended prosecution of a man accused of sexually assaulting a minor in a bustling Lagos open marketplace—and gender rights activists there say the move was the direct result of awareness training conducted with market...
The Solidarity Center prioritizes preventing and addressing gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work, recognizing it is a primary barrier to achieving gender equality and a key step for security of all workers’ rights. The Solidarity Center seeks to enhance the voice of women and other marginalized workers in policy making at the local, national, and international levels to reduce the risk of gender-based violence at work and build leadership, voice and direct participation of women and other marginalized workers and their unions.
Beginning in 2014, the Solidarity Center was a core member of a global coalition of worker rights organizations led by women union activists that successfully advocated for a landmark global standard (Convention 190) to eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work, including violence against women at work which was adopted by the International Labor Organization in June 2019. We support our partners as they campaign for their governments to ratify ILO Convention 190.
See related factsheets, videos and reports.
Jordan Agricultural Workers Win Landmark Rights
بالعربية Agricultural workers in Jordan for the first time have fundamental protections on the job, including guarantees for safe and decent working conditions, following a two-year campaign by the Agricultural Workers Union in Jordan and its allies that resulted in...
Women Agricultural Workers Push for Safe Transport in Tunisia
While most consumers do not think twice when they select tomatoes, grapes or other readily available fresh produce in grocery stores, many of the agricultural workers around the world who spend their days harvesting vegetables, fruits and grains to fill the plates of...
Solidarity Center 2013 Annual Report
Download here.
Africa Trade Unions and Africa’s Future: Strategic Choices in a Changing World (2014)
Download here.
Exploiting Chinese Interns as Unprotected Industrial Labor (June 2014)
Earl V. Brown, Jr. & Kyle A. deCant Solidarity Center Labor and Employment Counsel Earl Brown and co-author Kyle deCant examine the legal issues surrounding the growing numbers of China's industrial interns, the latest class of “cheap” labor to be deployed in...
NIGERIA: Empowering Women, Transforming Society (2014)
A unique grassroots coalition based in the Niger Delta, working with unions and other local non-governmental organizations, is providing a platform for women and young people to effectively engage in the democratic political process, hold local lawmakers accountable...
The High Cost of Low Wages in Haiti Living Wage Estimate for Export Apparel Workers (April 2014)
Despite a 45 percent increase in apparel exports since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the women and men who sew T-shirts and jeans primarily destined for the U.S. market barely earn enough to pay for their lunch and transportation to work, a new Solidarity Center...
The High Cost of Low Wages in Haiti
Living Wage Estimate for Export Apparel Workers (April 2014)
Despite a 45 percent increase in apparel exports since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the women and men who sew T-shirts and jeans primarily destined for the U.S. market barely earn enough to pay for their lunch and transportation to work, a new Solidarity Center...