Statement: Four Apparel Workers’ Union Leaders Killed in Honduras Massacre

Statement: Four Apparel Workers’ Union Leaders Killed in Honduras Massacre

The Solidarity Center joins the U.S. and international labor movements in condemning the brutal massacre of 13 people in the city of Choloma, Cortes, Honduras, among them four union leaders from the Sindicato de trabajadores de Gildan San Miguel (SITRAGSAM). 

The union leaders were SITRAGSAM President Xiomara Beatriz Cocas, former President and current Delegate Delmer Josue Garcia, Delegate Jose Rufino Ortiz, and Delegate Lester Arnulfo Almendarez. Eduardo Alexander Melendez, the son of SITRAGSAM president Xiomara Cocas, also died in the horrific attack by armed assailants.  

This attack took place the same week in which apparel maker Gildan announced the shuttering of the Gildan San Miguel factory. The union was in initial discussions about the closure, which will leave 2,700 workers unemployed. 

The Solidarity Center encourages Gildan to recognize the impact of these murders on the union and the workforce in general, and to take stronger measures to ensure the safety and security of Gildan San Miguel workers as they return to work following this tragic event. 

The Solidarity Center calls on the Honduran government to fully investigate these crimes and bring those responsible to justice. Regarding the government’s announced security measures in response to the violence, we urge authorities to respect the human rights of the people of Choloma, and we call on the Honduran government to ensure the safety of workers employed in the area, especially those who join together to defend their rights and represent their collective interests. 

The Solidarity Center stands in solidarity with SITRAGSAM and its national organization, the Central General de Trabajadores (CGT), in demanding justice for the assassinated union leaders and safety for the workers and union members who continue the struggle to defend the rights of Gildan San Miguel workers. We express our condolences and solidarity to the families, co-workers and union brothers and sisters of the fallen leaders.

Declaración: Cuatro dirigentes de sindicato del vestuario asesinados en masacre en Honduras

El Centro de Solidaridad se une al movimiento sindical estadounidense  e internacional en condenar la brutal masacre de 13 personas en la ciudad de Choloma, Cortes, Honduras, entre ellos cuatro dirigentes sindicales del Sindicato de trabajadores de Gildan San Miguel (SITRAGSAM). Los dirigentes sindicales eran la Presidenta del SITRAGSAM, Xiomara Beatriz Cocas, el ex-Presidente y actual Delegado, Delmer Josué García, el Delegado José Rufino Ortiz y el Delegado Lester Arnulfo Almendarez. Eduardo Alexander Melendez, hijo de la presidenta del SITRAGSAM Xiomara Cocas, también falleció en el horrendo ataque cometido por agresores armados. 

Este ataque tuvo lugar la misma semana en que la corporación del vestuario, Gildan, anunció   el cierre de su fábrica Gildan San Miguel. El sindicato estaba en conversaciones iniciales sobre el cierre, que dejará sin empleo a 2,700 trabajadores. El Centro de Solidaridad insta a Gildan a reconocer el impacto de estos asesinatos en el sindicato y en la fuerza laboral en general, y a tomar medidas más enérgicas para garantizar la seguridad y protección de los trabajadores de Gildan San Miguel en su regreso al trabajo tras este trágico suceso. 

El Centro de Solidaridad pide al gobierno hondureño que investigue completamente  estos crímenes y que lleve a los responsables ante la justicia. En cuanto a las medidas de seguridad anunciadas por el gobierno en respuesta a la violencia, instamos a las autoridades a respetar los derechos humanos de la población de Choloma, y pedimos al gobierno hondureño que garantice la seguridad de los trabajadores empleados en la zona, especialmente aquellos que se unen en sindicatos para defender sus derechos y representar sus intereses colectivos. 

El Centro de Solidaridad se solidariza con SITRAGSAM y su organización nacional, la Central General de Trabajadores (CGT) en exigir justicia para los dirigentes sindicales asesinados y seguridad para los trabajadores y sindicalistas que continúan la lucha por defender los derechos de los trabajadores de Gildan San Miguel. Expresamos nuestras condolencias y solidaridad a las familias, a los colegas de trabajo, y a los compañeros sindicalistas de los dirigentes caídos.

Solidarity Center Statement on One Year of War in Ukraine

Solidarity Center Statement on One Year of War in Ukraine

Solidarity Center
Solidarity Center
Solidarity Center Statement on One Year of War in Ukraine


One year ago, military forces of the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, launching an unprovoked and unnecessary war.

This war has cost thousands of lives and damaged Ukraine’s social and economic infrastructure, which will take years to rebuild. Russia’s attack on Ukraine is the direct cause of major food shortages and agricultural supply chain disruptions felt most painfully in lower-income countries. Yet, the citizens of Ukraine remain united in their resolve to defend their country, endure constant attacks on their civilian infrastructure, and struggle to keep supplies of grain and necessary goods flowing despite Russian restrictions.

Ukrainian workers and trade unions mobilized to become an integral part of the country’s home front. They not only keep the country’s civilian economy moving in areas like agriculture, railways, electrical utilities, education, health care and public administration, but they have also volunteered their time to meet the country’s humanitarian crisis. Ukrainian unions, including the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU), and a number of independent unions have converted union property into housing for internally displaced people, created supply chains for humanitarian aid and turned union halls and offices into community centers for those in need of assistance.

The Solidarity Center supports these union partners’ humanitarian work as well as their efforts to defend worker rights. Despite the difficulties of war, unions continue to support workers in all areas of the Ukrainian economy with organizing and bargaining support, education and legal assistance, and they continue to defend worker rights in democratic debate at all levels of governance in Ukraine. The staff of the Solidarity Center and its Ukrainian partner Labor Initiatives (LI) continue to assist Ukrainian unions and partners with technical assistance, training and legal aid. In addition, Solidarity Center and LI staff have joined in the humanitarian effort, helping to create the Trade Union Lifeline, a network of unions and activists working to move humanitarian aid to where it is needed the most. The resilience of Solidarity and LI staff, to continue working through the intense stress and violence of the war to forward the mission of the Solidarity Center and the international trade union movement, is notable and praiseworthy.

The Solidarity Center joins with the AFL-CIO in honoring the work of Ukrainian unions and working people and calling for end to the violent invasion of a sovereign nation and for peace, reconstruction and democracy in Ukraine and the region.

Statement on Events at the U.S. Capitol

  • Carl Gershman, President National Endowment for Democracy
  • Derek Mitchell, President, National Democratic Institute
  • Dan Twining, President, International Republican Institutes
  • Shawna Bader-Blau, Ex. Director, Solidarity Center
  • Andrew Wilson, Ex. Director, Ctr. For International Private Enterprise


“We are appalled by the violent and seditious assault at the United States Capitol today.  Nonetheless, we are confident in the enduring strength of American institutions, and that any attempts to subvert our democracy will not succeed.   Those involved in illegal activity today must be held to account.”

“A fundamental tenet of democracy is the peaceful contest of ideas among fellow citizens under law.  After a free and fair election, when incumbents are defeated, a peaceful transfer of power must result.  It is through such democratic processes that fundamental freedoms are protected, and opportunity and justice are possible for all.   We know from decades of experience that the job of democracy is never done, and that democracy is fragile.  But we also know it is resilient.”

“We have faith that our country will soon begin a period of national healing that will renew our democracy.  As Americans continue on their difficult but historic journey to form a “more perfect union” at home, we want to reaffirm our commitment to stand in solidarity with all those around the world who share democratic values and who continue to fight against all those who would subvert them.”

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