Women Garment Workers in Bangladesh Face Gender-Based Retaliation

In the months-long assault on Bangladesh garment workers protesting poverty wages that began in December women have borne the brunt of the retaliation. And it is increasingly evident that gender-based harassment and violence is the weapon of choice to target worker rights activists in Bangladesh, writes the Solidarity Center’s Monika Hartsel.

Trump’s Friend Just Tried to Blame America First

Shawna Bader-Blau, director of the advocacy group Solidarity Center, testified to Congress in November that, in Saudi Arabia, “virtually the entire migrant low-wage workforce is in some spectrum of trafficking.”

Mass Sackings Send Chill through Cambodian Garment Factories

“The sackings send a chilling message,” said William Conklin, Cambodia country director for the Solidarity Center, a U.S.-based charity promoting labor rights. “But these factory workers are very brave people. In the face of intimidation and harassment from employers and management, they will continue to assert themselves.”

‘Major strides’ to Cut Child Labor in Cambodia’s Fashion Factories

“There have been major strides in eliminating child labor” in factories, said William Conklin, Cambodia country director for the Solidarity Center, a U.S.-based nonprofit promoting workers rights. “But what it doesn’t address is the issue in the subcontract area. That is a big, unknown area in Cambodia.”

Minimum Wage in Vogue Across Asia as Debate Rages On

A minimum wage has been invaluable for big pools of unskilled workers, said David Welsh, a Southeast Asia country director for labor rights group Solidarity Center. “Any elevation of wages benefits workers. Remove minimum wages from the policy equation and you have a recipe for disaster.”

The Tunisian Inspiration: Countering Authoritarianism with Social Justice Unionism

“[W]hen faced with authoritarian regimes or institutions that deny people their basic rights, unions and other civil society organizations face a choice: Step up, form coalitions and build true economic and political freedom. Or, appease the ruling elite which will, eventually, work to destroy the labor movement,” writes the Solidarity Center’s executive director, Shawna Bader-Blau.

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