
Kyrgyzstan, textile workers, Solidarity Center, worker rightsadyrova.6.2017.crop

The Solidarity Center aims to strengthen union representation in Kyrgyzstan to protect workplace safety and health for workers such as those in textile factories. Credit: Solidarity Center/Lola Abdukadyrova


In Kyrgyzstan, the Solidarity Center aims to strengthen union representation to protect workplace safety and health and increase public awareness about international core labor standards, and works to secure protections for Kyrgyz workers who migrate for jobs.

The Solidarity Center, in cooperation with a local labor research organization, launched a worker rights hotline to take complaints about labor law violations, including cases reported by persons with disabilities and migrant workers. The hotline provides free consultations and referrals to workers.

When workers migrate from Kyrgyzstan, they often face discrimination, exploitation and unsafe working conditions. Many are at risk of being trafficked and subjected to forced labor. The Solidarity Center helps organize pre-departure training for migrants preparing to leave Kyrgyzstan to ensure they are aware of their legal rights and the conditions they may encounter, develop and disseminate the information materials on safe migration and provides contact information should they encounter problems abroad.

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Fighting for the Rights of People with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan

Fighting for the Rights of People with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan

A new video shows the strategies unions and civil society allies in Kyrgyzstan, with Solidarity Center support, are using to advance and protect the rights of people with disabilities. Strategies include coalition-building and joint advocacy projects with national and...

‘We Are Invisible People’: Kyrgyz Migrant Domestic Worker

‘We Are Invisible People’: Kyrgyz Migrant Domestic Worker

A study conducted by Insan-Leilek, a Kyrgyz migrant worker foundation, and the Trade Union of Migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic documents abuses suffered by many who migrate to Russia to earn their livelihoods as nannies, adult caregivers, cooks, cleaners and live-in...

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