Gender-based violence and Harassment (GBVH) is a pervasive issue in Nigeria, affecting individuals across various sectors and walks of life. It encompasses a range of harmful behaviors directed at individuals based on their gender, including physical violence, sexual...
In Nigeria, the Solidarity Center allies with the country’s two major labor federations, the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC). The Solidarity Center also joins with other labor groups such as the National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) and pro-poor and pro-democracy organizations in a collective effort to remedy economic inequality and protect citizens’ civil and labor rights.
The Solidarity Center also has furthered gender equality by joining with NANNM and successfully encouraging women’s leadership and involvement in the union.
Built on research commissioned by the Solidarity Center, the Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) in May launched a heat stress campaign with other civil society groups and government in Abuja to address the impact of worsening heat on Nigeria's...
West Africa Union Health Care Rights Campaign Celebrates Nigeria Health Care Funding Boost
A regional health care rights campaign led by the Organization of Trade Unions of West Africa (OTUWA) saw some success in Nigeria this month, where the federal government announced a disbursement of almost $70 million to bolster the country's health infrastructure....